Monday, 30 November 2009

High Water at Net Bay

The new main photo gives an idea of how much higher the loch is since the recent storms and heavy rainfall. Today however has been bright and clear with the temperature barely rising above freezing all day. Winter at last and nobody minds on days like today when everything is fresh and sharp.

There was a rosy tinge to the mountains this morning - those without the topping of snow that is - with dark
reflections in the water.

The storms also brought a new sight in the bay. A mooring had obviously come adrift from one of the marinas and drifted into the shallows. It can just be seen in this photo with a bit of a list!

Friday, 27 November 2009

Welly and waterproof weather!

I know, I know, we haven't seen much blue sky over the past month - just lots and lots of rain. The loch is really high again - up to the seat at the viewpoint - and looking across from the high point on Ross Loan to where the Endrick flows into the loch, Ring Point (the thin strip of land between the river and the loch) is completely submerged. There is water in the fields all round Wards and the garden is sodden.

Roads have been flooded in all directions and a few nights ago I just missed running over a frog who was in his element as he hopped across a road that was running like a stream. Most days however, it has been possible to dodge the showers although on occasions Rosie and I have both come back from the daily walk absolutely drenched. With the skies so overcast it is also the lack of light that is noticeable. It was dark by half past three one day this week. However, the walk through Shore Wood is more open and airy in winter than in summer as the bare branches allow much more light through.

Although it feels as though the full force of winter has yet to strike, with fairly mild temperatures and very little frost so far, ironically the first signs of Spring are appearing. On the walk to the loch, the pale green spikes of the snowdrops are beginning to burst through and some of the daffodils are also beginning to show. They must be encouraged by the mild weather but no doubt growth will slow again once the really cold weather comes.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

First Frost

It was a bright crisp morning and the fields all around were sparkling white when I drew back the curtains this morning. Definitely no time to lose to make sure we were down to the loch before the sun had melted the ice and dissipated the magic.

Wrapped up warmly with hat and gloves for the first time this winter and set off briskly. We were rewarded with a sight of the the first sprinkling of snow on Ben Lomond and the Arrochar Alps. The loch was calm and clear with geese honking, swans on the far side of Net Bay and a solitary heron fishing patiently over on Ring Point.

We decided to make our way to the Endrick Viewpoint further up the hill which is where this first picture was taken. The frost had not been hard enough to freeze the ground and it was pretty heavy going after all the rain and the trampling from the cattle. But by stepping carefully from tussock to tussock we managed not to lose a shoe. It would have been easier if we were in wellingtons. I managed with much less difficulty when I did the same walk last week more suitably clad. The gate was still glistening with ice crystals on the way up which had started to melt by the time we had squelched our way back down again.

The afternoon was spent collecting leaves for the compost. Even piled up wet and soggy in the wheelbarrow the colours were glowing. It really has been a wonderfully colourful Autumn this year.