I know, I know, we haven't seen much blue sky over the past month - just lots and lots of rain. The loch is really high again - up to the seat at the viewpoint - and looking across from the high point on Ross Loan to where the Endrick flows into the loch, Ring Point (the thin strip of land between the river and the loch) is completely submerged. There is water in the fields all round Wards and the garden is sodden.
Roads have been flooded in all directions and a few nights ago I just missed running over a frog who was in his element as he hopped across a road that was running like a stream. Most days however, it has been possible to dodge the showers although on occasions Rosie and I have both come back from the daily walk absolutely drenched. With the skies so overcast it is also the lack of light that is noticeable. It was dark by half past three one day this week. However, the walk through Shore Wood is more open and airy in winter than in summer as the bare branches allow much more light through.
Although it feels as though the full force of winter has yet to strike, with fairly mild temperatures and very little frost so far, ironically the first signs of Spring are appearing. On the walk to the loch, the pale green spikes of the snowdrops are beginning to burst through and some of the daffodils are also beginning to show. They must be encouraged by the mild weather but no doubt growth will slow again once the really cold weather comes.