I know, I know, it's been a very long time since my last posting - over six months. Mobility problems mean that I have not been getting down to the loch as often as I would like. In fact hardly at all. However, in a couple of weeks time I am due to get a new knee and after being off my feet for a few weeks should be back to normal. I will try to do some catching up while I recuperate.
The big news of the past week has been Monday's storm. It was certainly the worst I have known since I have been here and this has been echoed by many locals too. We were without power for nearly 48 hours while fallen cables were being located and restored. The garden was hit hard. A sixty foot oak tree (above) lies across the lawn and an old rowan tree also toppled. Branches are everywhere and clearing up will take quite a time. However, there are plenty of volunteers just dying to get out their chainsaws. The winds are still strong and it may be sometime before I can get a bonfire lit to clear away some of the wood that is not much use for firewood or kindling. At least we will be warm for the next couple of winters. There's a couple of tons of good oak wood for the fires.